Quotes About The Truth Hurting
Quotes about the truth can sometimes be the most hurtful thing we hear. It can be difficult to face the reality of any given situation and it can be hard to accept it when someone reveals the truth to us. But, there is also a great deal of power and beauty in the truth and sometimes it can enlighten us, help us to grow and make us stronger. Here are some inspirational and thought-provoking quotes about the truth hurting that can help us to understand it better.
Life Quotes: Dare To Face The Truth
Life Quotes: Dare To Face The Truth is a great reminder that life isn't always easy. The truth can hurt, and sometimes it can be hard to confront it. It takes courage to look at our own flaws and mistakes, but it is also necessary in order to grow and move forward. This quote is a reminder that it is important to face our own truths and accept them, no matter how hard or uncomfortable it may be. Facing the truth is the only way to progress and move on with life.
“Truth hurts, but it also heals. The truth is like an arrow: it hurts but it also sets you free.” —Helen Keller
"The truth hurts, but lies hurt more." —Anonymous
"The truth hurts more than being lied too" —Anonymous
"The truth might hurt for a little while, but the lies will hurt for a life time." —Anonymous
"The truth is like a scalpel. The truth cuts deep, but it eventually heals the wound." —Anonymous
"The truth may hurt for a little bit, but a lie hurts forever." —Anonymous
"Sometimes it's hard to face the truth because the truth can be so painful and revealing." —Anonymous
"The truth hurts, but it also sets you free from a life of lies and deception." —Anonymous
"You can always find comfort in the truth, even though it may hurt." —Anonymous
"The truth wounds, but it also makes the soul strong." —Anonymous
"The truth will always hurt, but the lies can ultimately kill." —Anonymous
"It's better to have the truth than to suffer lies." —Anonymous
"The truth may hurt, but it is better than living a lie." —Anonymous
"The truth will always hurt, but it's way better than settling with a lie." —Anonymous
"The truth may hurt for a moment, but it will always set you free." —Anonymous
Life Quotes: Being Honest Is Always The Best Option
Truth can be a powerful and effective tool, but it can also be difficult to face. Life quotes like “being honest is always the best option” remind us to be straightforward and authentic. Honesty about our true feelings, beliefs, and motivations can lead to greater understanding and connection with others, even if it might hurt in the short term. When we are honest and transparent, we can more honestly evaluate the consequences of our decisions and actions and make better choices moving forward. Ultimately, by being honest we can build strong, meaningful relationships and learn to accept ourselves and others.
“The truth hurts for a little while, but lies hurt for a lifetime.” – Unknown
“The truth may hurt for a little while, but a lie hurts forever.” – Unknown
“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” – Gloria Steinem
“Truth hurts, but secrets kill.” – Unknown
“The truth may hurt for a little while, but a lie hurts forever.” – Unknown
“It’s better to be hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie.” – Unknown
“The truth hurts, but you need to hear it.” – Unknown
“It’s always better to face the bitter truth, than to be comfortable with a sweet lie.” – Unknown
“Sometimes the truth hurts more than the lie.” – Unknown
“It is better to be honest, even if it hurts.” – Unknown
“If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.” – Mark Twain
“The truth can hurt, but lies hurt much more.” – Unknown
“Be brave enough to say the truth even if it might hurt you.” – Unknown
“It is better to hurt with truth than heal with a lie.” – Unknown
“The truth might hurt for a little while, but a lie hurts forever.” – Unknown
“It is better to be honest, even if it hurts.” – Unknown
Life Quotes: The Truth Hurts, But It Sets You Free
The truth can be hard to take sometimes, especially when it hurts. But if you have the courage to face the truth, it can set you free and lead you to a better life. Life quotes such as “The truth hurts, but it sets you free” remind us of the importance of listening to our inner voice and facing the facts, even when it’s hard to do so. When we accept the truth and live our lives in alignment with it, we can find peace and freedom. This blog post will provide further insight into the power of the truth and the positives that come from accepting it, even when it hurts.
“The truth might hurt for a little while but a lie hurts forever.” -Unknown
“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” -Gloria Steinem
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good. ” -Lemony Snicket
“The truth may hurt for a little while but a lie hurts forever.” -Unknown
“The truth may hurt for a moment, but a lie hurts forever.” -Unknown
“The truth is like surgery, it hurts but it cures.” -Han Suyin
“The truth doesn't always come out easy…it can be hard and it can hurt.” -Ann Voskamp
“I rather have the truth that hurts me than a lie that makes me feel better.” -Unknown
“The truth will always be offensive to some people.” -Bill Nye
“The truth hurts for a little while, but lies hurt for a lifetime.” -Unknown
“It’s better to know the truth than be comfortable with the lie.” -Unknown
“The truth may not always be pretty, but it’s better to face it than to run away.” -Unknown
“Sometimes it hurts more to keep the truth in than it does to let it out.” -Unknown
“It is easy to recognize a lie, but hard to accept the truth.” -Anonymous
“Sometimes the truth hurts more than leaving it unsaid. ” -Unknown
“The truth hurts more than a physical pain, because it goes deeper.” -Unknown
“Sometimes the truth hurts, but it’s better than living a lie.” -Unknown
“The truth may hurt for a little while, but a lie hurts forever.” - Unknown
“The truth might hurt for a second, but lying hurts for a lifetime.” -Unknown
Life Quotes: The Truth Can Make You Stronger
Truth can sometimes be painful, and life quotes can help us to better understand and process it. "The truth can make you stronger," is a phrase that often gets tossed around in difficult moments of life. But what does it really mean? Is the truth really powerful enough to make us stronger? In certain situations, this is absolutely the case. The truth can inspire us to keep going, no matter how hard it may be. Learning the truth about a situation or an emotion can help us to better understand our own feelings and better strategize how to move forward. Learning the truth can also help us to rebuild our trust in ourselves and in others. When we deal with the truth, we gain a deeper understanding of what matters in life, and our inner strength and resolve is often strengthened.
“The truth hurts but not as much as hiding it.” – Anonymous
“It is better to face up to the truth no matter how painful it is than to live a lie.” – Unknown
“The truth is like a lion - you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose – it will defend itself.” – Augustine of Hippo
“We all have to face our own demons. It's better to live your own truth than to lie and hide from yourself.” – Unknown
“The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.” – James A. Garfield
“The truth may hurt for a little while but a lie hurts forever.” – Unknown
“In the end, nothing can be hidden from the truth.” – Paracelsus
“The truth hurts, it’s rarely easy, but it’s always right.” – Unknown
“It’s easy to tell a lie but it’s hard to face the truth.” – Unknown
“Sometimes the truth hurts, but it will set you free.” – Unknown
“The truth may be harsh, but it’s better to face it so you can move on.” – Unknown
“Sometimes the truth is hard to accept, but it’s the only thing that can set you free.” – Unknown
“The truth may be hard but it’s always better than lies.” – Unknown
“It is better to be hurt by the truth that keeps you in line than to be comforted by a lie that keeps you in danger.” ― Unknown
“The truth will always reveal itself, even if it takes its time.” – Unknown
“The truth may be uncomfortable, but it is never cowardly.” – Unknown
“The truth may hurt you but your lies will hurt you more.” – Unknown
“Sometimes the truth may hurt more than a lie, but it’s better to know the truth.” – Unknown
“No matter how painful, the truth will always be better than a lie.” – Unknown
“The truth may be hard to hear, but it’s even harder to ignore.” – Unknown
Life Quotes: Accepting The Truth Is Crucial
One of the most challenging aspects of life is accepting the truth, even when it is hard to stomach. Accepting the truth takes self-awareness and courage and can be a difficult journey. Life quotes like "Accepting the truth is crucial" remind us to embrace the truth, no matter how difficult, in order to move forward. The truth can often hurt, but it is still essential to take it all in and use it to grow and create a better life for yourself. Learn to lean into and accept the truth, because only then can we find our true path and build a life of happiness and fulfilment.
“The truth hurts only once, but a lie lasts a lifetime.” -Anonymous
“It will hurt, it will take time, it will require dedication and it will require willpower but when it’s done you will be better off in the long run.” -Anonymous
“Accepting the truth is much easier when you know it’s for the best.” -Anonymous
“The truth may hurt for a little while, but lies hurt forever.” -Anonymous
“Sometimes the truth hurts but that doesn’t mean you should lie instead.” -Anonymous
“Truth may be unpleasant but it is never as bad as a lie in the long run.” -Anonymous
“The truth may hurt at first, but a lie will destroy you forever.” -Anonymous
“The truth will always come out, so don’t try to hide it.” -Anonymous
“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” -Anonymous
“Better to accept the truth, no matter how hard it is, than to live in a lie.” -Anonymous
“The truth may be hard to accept, but lies won’t help you at all.” -Anonymous
“The truth may hurt, but a lie can destroy you.” -Anonymous
“When faced with the truth, accept it and move on.” -Anonymous
“The only way to truly heal from something is to accept the truth.” -Anonymous
“Sometimes the truth hurts so much that you just want to deny it. Don’t.” -Anonymous
“It’s not easy to accept the truth, but it’s the only way to move forward.” -Anonymous
“The truth may sting, but lies will cause you to drown.” -Anonymous
“Facing the truth may be difficult, but it’s a necessary step to progress.” -Anonymous
“Sometimes the truth is hard to accept, but still it is what you need to hear.” -Anonymous
“The truth may be difficult to hear, but it will never lead you astray.” -Anonymous
Life Quotes: Refusing To Accept The Truth Is Not A Wise Choice
Life is full of lessons and sometimes it can be difficult to accept the truth. Refusing to accept the truth is not a wise choice, though it can be tempting to do so. Every situation, no matter how painful, carries a valuable lesson to be learned. We must have the courage to accept unpleasant realities and learn from them in order to grow and cultivate wisdom. As the old proverb says, “The truth hurts, but it also sets you free.” Embrace it and you will be better off in the long run.
“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” — Winston Churchill
“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” — Gloria Steinem
“The truth hurts, but it is often the only thing that can help us grow.” — Unknown
“Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie.” — Unknown
“Some people will never accept the truth, no matter how plain it is made to them.” — Unknown
“Sometimes the truth hurts more than lies, but it’s better for you in the long run.” — Unknown
“The truth may not always be welcome, but it is always necessary.” — Unknown
“The truth is like a lion, you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose, it will defend itself.” — St. Augustine
“It’s better to be hurt by the truth than to comforted by a lie.” — Unknown
“No matter how many lies you tell, the truth will eventually come out.” — Unknown
“The truth hurts only once, but a lie can hurt you a thousand times.” — Unknown
“The truth may be uncomfortable, but it’s better to face it than to live a lie.” — Unknown
“It’s better to be hurt by the truth than to be comforted with a lie.” — Unknown
“The truth hurts but a lie can hurt us more.” — Unknown
“There’s no hiding from the truth, however hard we try.” — Unknown
“It is better to face the truth, no matter how hard it hurts, than to live a lie.” — Unknown
“The truth may hurt, but it’s better to bear the hurt than to suffer through the lies.” — Unknown
“An honest admission of wrong doing is often the best policy. The truth hurts in the short-term but helps in the long-term.” — Unknown
“The truth may not always be popular, but it will always be the truth.” — Unknown
“Don’t be afraid of the truth, no matter how much it hurts. The truth will set you free.” — Unknown
Quotes about the truth
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